2012. 10. 1. 20:35
336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.

Updated for CB 1.3.2

Update - Split EssentialsProtect into two plugins (the build stuff has been moved to EssentialsAntiBuild)

Update - Moved the warp, and kit permissions to use 'essentials.warps.<warpname>' & 'essentials.kits.<kitname>'

Update - Moved the world change perm check (disabled by default) to use 'essentials.worlds.<worldname>'

Update - Updates /gamemode aliases, and made them guess gamemode based on aliases (/gmc - creative | /gms - survival)

Update - /gamemode toggle (and /gmt) to toggle between gamemodes

Update - Default worth and itemdb file updates

Update - New items added to items.csv

Update - Better /ess debug debugging for permissions and cost checking

Update - If both freeze-afk-players and cancel-afk-on-move is turned on, cancel AFK on player jump

Update - /itemdb command shows item name aliases

Update - Force reset of fly/speed on world change

Update - Config file cleanup

Update - /enchantment command cleanup

Update - New colour theme for English translation

Update - /gc command now shows server uptime

Update - Removed op override for all essentials features (ops should still have all perms by default)

Update - God mode will now block potion effects

Update - /heal command will now clear potion effects

Update - Better errors on failed sign creation, and better compatibilty with other sign plugins

New command - /enderchest [player] - Allows you to open your or another players enderchest

New command - /speed <0-10> [player] - Allows you to change your fly speed

Bug Fix - Fix issues with console version of /warp

Bug Fix - Clean up mistakes in config.yml

Bug Fix - Fixed /msg, /pay and /kill dealing with 2 character names

Bug Fix - Handle /tjail's jail expiry a little better

Bug Fix - Fix /itemdb showing use remaining on none held items

Bug Fix - Fix EssSpawn/GeoIP join events to load at the same time as Core

Bug Fix - Teleport delay change, fix entity caching

Bug Fix - Fix console command logging

Bug Fix - Improved repair command cost check

Bug Fix - Switched chat formatting to use &r instead of &f

Bug Fix - Fixed min bukkit warning

Bug Fix - Fixed obscure config file mistakes crashing Essentials (kit/eco)

Bug Fix - Fixed ironore bug with spawning map types

Bug Fix - Fixed fly disabling from effecting creative users

Bug Fix - Fix problems with async chat event not sending messages to xmpp chat spy

Bug Fix - Fix delhome to follow home name conventions

Bug Fix - Fix format code wrapping in info/help/motd files

Bug Fix - Fix format code wrapping in ess chat messages

Bug Fix - Better handle wildcard perms and perm negation in superperms

Bug Fix - Fixed the kit and sign perm checks to use the same perms as the command

Bug Fix - Metrics errors wont spam as much

Optimization - Faster cost calculations

Optimization - Less useless permissions checks

New config setting: max-fly-speed - lets you set the max /speed

Permission - essentials.build - same as build: true

Permission - essentials.build.interact.<id>[:<datavalue>] - whitelist single interact block

Permission - essentials.build.place.<id>[:<datavalue>] - whitelist single place block

Permission - essentials.build.break.<id>[:<datavalue>] - whitelist single break block

Permission - essentials.build.pickup.<id>[:<datavalue>] - whitelist single item pickup

Permission - essentials.build.drop.<id>[:<datavalue>] - whitelist single item drop

Permission - essentials.build.craft.<id>[:<datavalue>] - whitelist single item craft

Permission - essentials.enderchest - Access to the /enderchest command

Permission - essentials.enderchest.others - Lets you look at other peoples enderchests

Permission - essentials.enderchest.modify - Lets you modify other peoples enderchests

Permission - essentials.kit.exemptdelay - Allows you to exempt from kit delays

Permission - essentials.speed = Access to the /speed command

Permission - essentials.speed.others = Ability to change the speed of another player

Permission - essentials.speed.bypass = Override max speed limits in config.yml

Permission - essentials.god.pvp = Unless you have this permission you will be unable to attack other players while in god mode

Permission - essentials.afk.auto = Unless you have this permission you will not auto afk

GM - Numerous minor GM bug fixes

마인크래프트 버킷에 필수적인 플러그인, 에센셜 플러그인입니다.


출처 : http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/essentials/

Posted by 알 수 없는 사용자